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Planning Board Minutes 8/29/08
Planning Board Meeting Minutes- August 29th 2008

Members Present: Co-chair Cindy Hoogs; Maggie Leonard; Steven Rose; Alan Salaman; Larry Klein; Co-chair Brian Puntin

Public Present: Ken Shern

Meeting to Order; 7:00 P.M.

·       Special Permit:  Ken Shern was present on Behalf of his clients requesting a special permit for a project on Rt. 57 Pixley Hill Road near Lake Buel. There are three lots. They each have adequate frontage and acreage. The existing structures are coming down and the footprints are being left in tact. The previously mentioned footprints are all conforming. The plan is to divide the property into three form A lots. Each lot will be for a single-family house in the lakeshore district. Alan suggested the board not vote right away and take some time to do a site visit. Cindy recused herself due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Shern filed the application with the required $75.00 fee. Cindy inquired as to whether or not the board should discuss this application with building inspector Don Torrico. The board agreed to view the property over the upcoming days and discuss the application at the next meeting. Steven and Brian decided to sign the plan and give their approval.
·       Special Permit: A special permit was requested for a new loading dock at the Monterey town Post office. The Planning Board did not vote on this or have any findings due to a lack of a quorum.
·       Special Permit: Stephen Moore and Wendy Jenson  a special permit for the construction of an addition to their house on New Marlborough Road. The addition to the house will consist of two buildings sharing a common wall. The building will occupy a studio, a production area and storage. The new structure will be 1700 square feet. Don Torrico the building inspector rejected a building permit due to the proposed size of the new building. The planning board will write a finding that due to the size of the proposed building a special permit should be granted. The board will add an additional requirement to make sure that any waste from said business be disposed of properly. Brian made a motion to send the written findings by Cindy to the ZBA and Maggie seconded that motion.
·       Berkshire Regional Planning: A bill was received from Berkshire Regional Planning for the dates of April 1st 2007 through June 2008 for the amount of $745.82. A motion was passed unanimously to pay the bill in full.
·       Special Hearing: The board discussed the possibility of requesting a special hearing regarding the common driveway bylaws.
·       Planning Board Resignation: John Sellew resigned his seat on the Planning Board
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 P.M.